Our Next Level Students Curriculum is a character curriculum with a strong focus on Social-Emotional Learning (SEL). We believe in focusing and the development of the whole student. Our easy to use curriculum has been adopted in by schools and mentoring programs, and has shown to be effective when implementing the (PBIS) Positive Behavioral Intervention and Support framework. School districts across the country are using our curriculum and they have seen significant improvements in student achievement and behavior.
K-12 character curriculum
Over 3,000 Students drop out of school PER DAY! That’s 1.2 Million per year.
From ages 12+ there are 21.5 Million students battling with substance abuse.
Over 24.7 Million students live in fatherless homes.
There are over 6 Million abuse referrals made annually to child protective services.
Approximately 123 people per day commit suicide.
There are approximately 428,000 students in the foster care system. Only 50% of them will graduate and only 3% will attend a 4-year college.
Approximately 1.3 Million Students in the U.S. are homeless, and many more hide their living status.
The purpose of the Next Level Students Curriculum is to help students today become the best versions of themselves. Most students today have low self-worth, and don't see the value in education. Many of them are plagued with obstacles like peer pressure, bullying, depression, homelessness, substance abuse and issues at home. This curriculum was created to tackle these issues while helping to shape the character of the student. Not only is this curriculum aligned with the common core state standards, but it also features powerful life lessons that give students proven steps to help them change their perspective and outlook on life. The Jeremy Anderson Group, LLC, is fortunate to work with an amazing team of educators with over 54 years of combined classroom experience. What makes this character curriculum so special is that we focus on the whole child. This is a great tool for PBIS implantation because each one of our four modules touches on specific aspects of the student’s behavior, life and future.
1. Daily/Weekly Common Core Anchor Standard Lesson Plans
2. Goal Setting & Planning Sheets
3. Question Sections
4. Guided Thinking Sections
5. Daily Journals that promote writing
6. Personalized motivational video for all 28 lessons
7. Teacher Guide for Classroom Discussion
8. Certificate of Completion for each Student upon completion
Module 1: The seven lessons in this module are geared around the student and their outlook on life. We're intentional to focus on their purpose in life. We discuss the importance of good character, taking responsibility for their actions. The goal for this module is to help them become accountable and responsible for their life.
Module 2: The seven lessons in this module are geared around the student and family. Many students come from broken homes and have absent parents. The students who do have parents that are present, struggle with communicating with them. Students often feel limited to what they can accomplish due to seeing their parents struggles. In this module the student will learn that their DNA does not determine their destiny, their decisions do!
Module 3: The seven lessons in this module focus on the student in relation to their school. The goal for this module is for the student to truly understand the importance of education as well as the importance of pursuing college or trade school, etc. In this module we also show the student how to gain more respect for teachers. This module also touches on how to stop bullying in their school.
Module 4: The seven lessons in this module focus on the student and their future. We show them how their dreams can truly come true. We talk about the importance of respect, honor, hard work and sacrifice. We're sure to highlight the importance of choosing the right friends and environment, as well as the necessity of mentors. The goal for this module is for the student to know that their condition is not their conclusion!
Q: What age group is it for?
A: All ages for students in Grades Kindergarten through 12th.
Q: What’s the cost for the curriculum?
A: $24.99 per student.
Q: Is there a discount for bulk orders?
A: If ordering for your whole school you’ll get a 20% discount.
Q: What does this price entail?
A: The curriculum book and access to the online teachers portal.
Q: How big is the curriculum book?
A: Size 8.5 x 11 (page count varies by grade level)
Q: What’s the minimum order?
A: 100 (for special orders please contact us).
Q: How do we access the videos?
A: Through the online Teacher’s Portal.
Q: Where is the teacher’s manual located?
A: Through the online Teacher’s Portal.
Q: Do I have to implement the lessons daily?
A: You can implement the lessons on a daily or weekly basis.
Q: Can my teachers customize the lessons?
A: We designed our curriculum so that teachers in each school can customize the lessons for their class.